Furniture renovation: laminate sheets or paint?

Furniture renovation: laminate sheets or paint?

Now you have decided to renovate pieces of your furniture at home. But the next step to consider is the material you will use for your renovation. Should you use high pressure laminates (HPL) or paint for your renovation? It is better to learn about the pros and cons of each material so you can make wiser decisions and lessen room for mistakes. After all, furniture renovation is nothing but a simple task.

Pros of using Laminates

  1. Aside from a variety of color choices, laminate sheets vary in texture and woodgrains that perfectly mimic wood for a lesser value. If you opt for more neutral choices, solid colors laminate is the way to go.
  2. HPL sheets are versatile enough to cover design flaws in your home structure. It can be used on cabinets, furniture, interior walls, and kitchen countertops.
  3. Laminates require low maintenance. You do not need to clean it frequently, or buy necessary cleaning materials to make it spot-free.

Cons of Using Laminates

  1. Laminates can be very sensitive when installing. You need to put your utmost care when installing, otherwise the final look will not be visually appealing.
  2. Prolonged exposure to moisture can cause damage to the laminate sheets. Although laminate sheets are moisture and impact resistant, it is still vulnerable to external factors (temperature differences, moisture, etc) that may cause discoloration and weariness to the material and may lessen its expected lifespan.
  3. Once the laminates wear out, they can’t be refinished. Once heavily damaged from continuous strong impact, you may have to replace the whole area.

Pros of Using Paint

  1. Paint is an economical way of renovating your home. It is a traditional material often correlated with one’s renovation that has stayed over the years. If you want to save off bills, then paint is the way to go.
  2. What you want now may change once the trends go out of time. With a cheaper alternative, it is easier to replace according to the newest trend in interior designing or when your preferences change.
  3. Paint is easier to do, and can also be done by a nonprofessional.

Cons of Using Paint

  1. For some people, prolonged contact to paint fumes can cause harmful effects, which include shortness of breath, eye irritation, and headaches. Direct contact also poses certain risks for pregnant women, children, and pets.
  2. Paint does not have the same versatility as other materials. There are a lot of colors available, but textures, patterns, gradience, and grains cannot be achieved using paints.

A successful home renovation lies in effective planning. Consider the overall design and structure of your home, set a realistic timeline, and expect the unexpected costs and problems that may come up. Tie these things together with your personal design style and decide which one is right for you. While home renovation is an exciting affair, know that you will be in on a long and tedious process. If you decide that high pressure laminate sheets are the right material for you, look for Philippine HL suppliers, like Lamerra. Lamerra offers compact laminate sheets that are impact resistant, durable, economical, and versatile. For quotations or more information regarding our product, contact us.

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