modern office

How To Choose Your Office Laminate

An office space that works hinges on a lot of choices–including office furnishings. You might think that a comfortable chair and a wide desk are all you need, but think again! Picking the right materials, including choosing laminates for the office, is another part of your interior design that you really need to think about.

Laminate is a top choice for many professional spaces. With several types such as HPL, LPL, and wood laminate sheets in the Philippines available for use, choosing just one can be quite a conundrum. Thankfully, our experts have some tips for the office interior designer looking for guidance.

Check out our guide to picking HPL office laminates here:

Encourage Productivity with the Right Office Laminate

Walls are an unassuming detail in many buildings, but the right details can play a large part in ensuring that your team gets their jobs done. Color, style, and texture – all these contribute to the aesthetics and atmosphere of your office. This is why choosing the correct laminates for the office is essential.

If you’re unsure of how to pick the right HPL for your office, here are some things to consider during the selection process:

Choose your material

Laminates are one of the most versatile materials used in office furniture, especially because of the range of materials you can use. There’s a wide range of laminate options available and each material is fit for a specific purpose. Lamerra offers several different laminates for you to choose from, including wooden and HPL laminates.

If you’re not quite sure what material to choose, here is a quick cheat sheet of what you can use:

Low-Pressure Laminates

Low-Pressure Laminates (LPL) are made from decorative paper soaked in melamine resin and combined with particle boards. It is a good choice for low-impact structures, such as shelves and cabinets. LPL is the least expensive type of laminate, but is also the least durable.

High-Pressure Laminates

High-Pressure Laminates (HPL) are made of multiple decorative paper layers that are fused with melamine. It is further bonded through the heat of a thermobonding process. HPL is extremely durable yet flexible, making it a good option for office structures.

Wooden Laminates

Wood laminates are designed to stimulate the look of classic wooden panels. They come in a variety of designs, colors, and even textures–making them an excellent choice for both commercial and residential use. If you’re looking for an organic feel, wooden laminates may be the right choice for your space.

Pick your color and texture

modern office table

Aesthetics does matter, especially when you want to make sure that your office has a professional vibe. After choosing your material, you also have to look at the colors and textures you want. HPL solid color provides a clear and sleek option for walls and floors, while wooden laminates give an organic feel.

Mixing and matching colors and textures can be difficult, so asking help from professionals is certainly encouraged. Of course, there’s nothing wrong depending on your own design sensibilities. Just keep productivity, professionalism, and style in your mind’s eye when choosing laminates for the office.

Consider your budget and needs

Considering the variety of HPL laminate sheets available, it can be tempting to just pick one and never look back. Of course, any professional in design and construction will tell you that that’s not the way to go. With both color and texture chosen, you need to check if the material fits with your budget and needs.

Some things to remember when you consider your budget and needs are the following:


Designing your office isn’t going to be cheap – so choose the materials that you know will last long. While high prices may turn you off, it’s also important to consider how long the materials will last. One of the most cost-effective options for office laminates is HPL, because of its versatility, look, and durability.


Knowing what your laminate sheets will be used for is essential. While office laminates can be extremely versatile, there is a huge difference between high-impact and high-traffic areas versus display areas. When choosing laminate for the office, whether it’s HPL or not, make sure that you consider how the surface or area will be used.

Flexible, Stylish, Durable: Choose Lamerra’s HPL sheets for your Office

An office is where you take care of your most pressing professional matters. It only makes sense to take the time and effort to make it look stunning. Beyond the furniture and the technology, surfaces and walls are some of the subtle things that really give an office its professionalism.

Make sure that you have a stunning workspace and encourage your productivity with high-quality Lamerra HPL, perfect for your office.

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