3 Simple Ways to Improve your Bedroom

3 Simple Ways to Improve your Bedroom

If you want to reorganize your house, but do not know where to start, then the bedroom may be the best idea. The start of the year is the popular time to think about revamping your room because it is a small area that can be your personal practice project to establish the things you like and dislike. The bedroom is a place where you spend your time to relax, rest, and unwind, so it is only proper to give it a makeover. If you want a Pinterest worthy bedroom without spending too much, a few tweaks can do the trick:

  1. Reorganize

The simplest and most inexpensive thing you can do to improve your room is by reorganizing the items on it. Allot a day or two to clear the space by (1) placing the items in its rightful place; (2) identifying which items are worth keeping, donating, or selling; and (3) only storing the items in your room that you intend to use. You wouldn’t want to find a random spoon and fork in the bedroom, or unkempt clothes on the bed. 

  1. Add Functionalities

One way to clean the clutter is to clear the floor and maximize the vertical space. This is usually done by custom made furniture or shelves. It declutters, keeps the traffic clear, and organizes the room altogether. High pressure laminates are a great material to use for storage and furniture solutions. With multiple swatches available, it is easier to mix and match colors that fit seamlessly into the bedroom. For example, wood finish laminate sheets replicate the aesthetics of natural wood without the price and constant maintenance. HPL sheets are also durable and impact resistant, which ensures the materials’ rigidness for years to come. Another way is to use a multipurpose furniture. A storage that doubles as a bedside table will keep the clutter efficiently. It keeps things within reach and simultaneously organizes your items. 

  1. Improve Lighting

The lighting has so much to do with the elements in the space to work together. No matter how good the furniture, the paint color, or the design style may be, if the room has poor lighting, it would look dull and uninteresting. Good lighting ties it altogether, and can make the room look cramped or enlarged, or make the room cozy and comfortable. Installing dimmable lamps (or track lights when necessary), together with the main light not only gives variety; it also sets the mood, regulates the atmosphere, and affects your productivity. A flickering light or a wrong light temperature can cause fatigue and strain but good lighting will leave you happy and comfortable. Aside from artificial lighting, natural lighting is important. It enhances the aesthetics of the room, improves efficiency, and makes the room warm and welcoming. 

People renovate the house for many reasons: raise its value, add functionalities, improve the interior, and mostly for personal reasons too. Kids outgrow their aesthetics and fixations as they age, so they opt to change a thing or two in their rooms. When renovating, identify the needs of the room first. Do you want to add a workspace for productivity? Know your preferences so the whole process becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Lamerra High Pressure Laminates are available in  all Decocity stores nationwide for an affordable price. You can select among solid color laminate and wood grain laminate options for your requirements. Check our social media pages for more information. 

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